Regional Observer Programme
- The objectives of the Commission ROP shall be to collect verified catch data, other scientific data, and additional information related to the fishery from the Convention Area and to monitor the implementation of the Conservation and Management Measures adopted by the Commission.
- The Regional Observer Programme (ROP) is based on the use of existing regional, sub-regional and national observer programmes already in place amongst many of its members. A ‘Conservation and Management Measure for the Regional Observer Programme (CMM 2007-01 (
57.95 KB)) entered into force on 15 February 2008, and provides the basis of the rules and development of the Commission ROP. An amended version of the Conservation and Management Measure for the Regional Observer Progrmame (CMM 2018-05 (
193.03 KB)) entered into force in February 2019.
- To be part of the WCPFC ROP a programme requires to be authorised and an audit will be carried out by the Secretariat to ensure the programme is in compliance of the Commission Minimum Standards for observer programmes. All providers are fully audited before full authorisation to take part in the ROP is granted. Contact for more details.
- Before boarding a vessel a Vessel Safety Check (VSC) should be carried out. The Commission has developed a guideline and format for a (VSC). If member countries observer programmes have their own formats they should continue to use these formats. However the WCPFC VSC format could be adopted by member countries to suit observer programmes that currently do not have a VSC format in place.
- The WCPFC have developed basic standards for the formation and operation of observer programmes that wish to be part of the Regional Observer Programme (ROP).
- The Secretariat has developed a set of forms for ROP Observers carrying out observations on carriers transhipping fish from long liners on the high seas. These three forms FC-1 FC-2 & FC-3 are developed as a guide and can be used as they are presented, or can be changed to suit your particular observer programme needs.
- Minimum data fields that ROP observers need to collect on long liners and purse seiners including FAD information are included below; The format of collection of these data fields is up to the observer providers, however a useful guide for a format are the SPC/FFA harmonised format, which is used by a number of programmes; this is available on the SPC Website under their Oceanic Fisheries Programme.
- Minimum data fields for Observer transhipment monitoring which are the data fields to be collected by transhipment observers during transhipment events, apply as of 1 January 2023 (see below). For transhipment on the high seas, transhipment ROP providers shall send the agreed minimum data fields to the Commission Secretariat within 90 days of the disembarkation of the observer from the carrier.
- Since 2017, the Commission has had in place collective rules and procedures that all Commission members have jointly agreed in respect of ensuring the safety of WCPFC ROP Observers while they are performing their duties as part of the WCPFC Regional Observer Programme (Conservation and Management Measure for the protection of WCPFC Regional Observer Programme Observers CMM 2017-03 (
135.19 KB))
- The Secretariat has prepared a set of Guidelines for Regional Observer Programme - May 2019 (
249.3 KB)
- Conservation and Management Measure for the Regional Observer Programme (
193.03 KB)
- Conservation and Management Measure for the protection of WCPFC Regional Observer Programme Observers (
135.19 KB)
- List of WCPFC Authorised National and Subregional Observer Programmes for the ROP
- Contact details for National and Subregional Observer Programme Coordinators
- WCPFC ROP Vessel Safety Check Form (
146.06 KB)
- WCPFC Regional Observer Programme Standards & ROP Guidelines updated 2023 (
933.31 KB)
- Form FC1 - Fish Carrier General Description (
62.95 KB) Form FC2 - Observer At Sea Transshipment Report (
76.81 KB) Form FC3 - Catch Destination Form (
97.4 KB)
- Table of ROP minimum standard data fields 2016 (
954.05 KB)
- Minimum Data Fields for Observer Transhipment Monitoring - 2023 (
182.46 KB)
- Observer Guide to WCPFC CMMs - Booklet 2024 (
11.26 MB)
Page Updated 16 Jan, 2023