WCPFC20 - Stories

Niue's Daughter, Global Leader: Josie Tamate's Journey to Chair of the WCPFC

In the heart of Polynesia, where turquoise waters lap the shores of small islands like Niue, Josie Tamate's journey has unfolded with the ebb and flow of the tide. Always wearing with a friendly face and a jovial smile, Josie embodies the warmth of her island home wherever she goes. Here is a tale of humble beginnings, unexpected turns, and an unwavering commitment to her people... read more


Flagged and Ready: Nauru’s Growing Contribution to Sustainable Fisheries in the Western and Central Pacific Oceanulian Itsimaera (left) and Kaleki Deiye in Rarotonga, Cook Islands

It’s almost sunset in Rarotonga, Cook Islands, and a light breeze blows across sandy white beaches and rustles the thatching of beachside cabanas. Under this relaxing surface, there has been a steady buzz of activity all week. In preparation for the 20th annual session of the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC20), delegates from Pacific Small Island Developing States (SIDS) have been in constant motion throughout the last 10 days... read more


A journey of stewardship and collaboration in Pacific tuna fisheriesWCPFC20 attendees in front of the venue

In the Pacific's vast expanse, where the sea is a heritage written in the Pacific islanders' DNA, a compelling story unfolds. It's a narrative woven over two decades, marked by milestones that echo the commitment of nations to safeguard one of the world's greatest treasures—the Pacific tuna... read more


Transformative leadership: Women shaping the heart of Pacific tuna fisheries

This is the story of four extraordinary women, each a titan in their own right, steering the course of Pacific tuna fisheries with a remarkable blend of passion, skill, and solid determination... read more

Page Updated 21 Dec, 2023
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